Only 2 Days Left in Lady Death Kickstarter

LadyDeathApoc1-KickstarterArtDecoBoundless Comics is set for a big return with the first lady of horror comics, Lady Death leading the charge.  The relaunch of this classic comics icon has been in the hands of the legions of Lady Death fans as they help to bring her back to comic shops through participating in the Kickstarter fundraising effort.

LadyDeathApoc1-KickstarterThe program has a number of incredible value pledge levels where fans can both contribute to the launch of the new Lady Death: Apocalypse comic series and can take advantage of getting a library worth of print and digital comics as a thank you.  With only two days left in the fund raising effort, Boundless invites all LD fans to take a few moments to review the program and be a part of the event!

Thanks to everyone for helping to bring this icon of comics back in a big way!


Boundless Returns in December Previews

LadyDeathAp1-regIn stores today, Boundless comics returns with a vengeance in the pages of the December issue of Previews.  The long awaited return of Lady Death is here and fans of the iconic character can be a part of the festivities.

At long last the new Lady Death: Apocalypse series is here.  Join everyone in welcoming back one of comics’ most recognizable and longest running characters in a brand LadyDeathApoc1-Kickstarternew tale designed to introduce new fans to the world of Lady Death.  This first oversized issue features a massive primer that takes us through the history of Lady Death and sets everyone up for the exciting new story beginning in this issue!

If you would like to help Boundless make Lady Death’s return as successful as possible, please stop by the Kickstarter fund raiser to see what exciting pledge levels are available to fans at


Boundless Returns to Comic Shops in February

LadyDeathAp1-AltHist LadyDeathAp1-regThe long awaited and highly anticipated return of Boundless Comics is here!  Bleeding Cool announced the initial list of new comic books being offered in the December issue of Previews for February shipping 2015:

LadyDeathAp1-sultry LadyDeathAp1-Art DecoAmong the new offerings is the recently Kickstartter funded Lady Death: Apocalypse #1 which is still active and seeking to attain its first stretch goal.  If you haven’t had an opportunity to see the event please be sure to visit:

LadyDeathAp1-wrapThe new comics include these incredible new cover editions of Lady Death: Apocalypse #1:


First Stretch Goal Added to Lady Death Kickstarter

ld-kickstarter-stretch-goal-1Boundless Comics’ Lady Death Kickstarter program has been a big success!  With many fans of the classic comics icon supporting the program it was funded in just a few days.  Now the first of the stretch goals are being announced to make the program even more exciting.

If the Lady Death Kickstarter reaches $15,000 pledged, all fans participating at the $25 and up levels will receive an extra bonus of Medieval Lady Death #1-8 digital comics added to their loot.  These classic issues have been out of print forever and Kickstarter fans will have them to read at your fingertips.

If you haven’t seen the Kickstarter program yet – please take a moment to visit it here and see all the great prizes for helping make this a success:

Lady Death Kickstarter Funded!

LadyDeathApoc1-Kickstarter Thank you Lady Death fans!  We hit the goal to produce the new Lady Death: Apocalypse comic book in record time!  It was very exciting to see the flood of supporters and fans that stopped in to see what we are working so hard on here at Boundless.  You have helped to make the return of Boundless Comics a success and we have LadyDeathApoc1-KickstarterArtDecoenjoyed hearing from each of you about your enthusiasm for this classic comic character.

We are not done yet, though!  With 28 days to go, we are working on putting together some great stretch goals for the program that will help make the new Lady Death: Apocalypse series even better.

Visit the Lady Death Kickstarter at to participate in the return of a comic book icon.  Welcome back, Lady Death!

The Lady Death Kickstarter

She’s back… with your help!

Boundless Comics returns with the Queen of the Bad Girls, Lady Death! LADY DEATH: APOCALYPSE #1 is a full color 40 page comic book.

LADY DEATH: APOCALYPSE will be the lead title of the Boundless Comics relaunch in the comic book market, with your kind support. It’s a tough time to launch a book with a strong female protagonist, and we are asking for the loyal fans of Lady Death to help us get her back to monthly comics. LADY DEATH: APOCALYPSE will feature the stunning art of Marc Borstel, which you can see below, and the same top-flight cover artists Boundless has always been known for including Matt Martin, Juan Jose Ryp, Renato Camilo, Michael DiPascale, Richard Ortiz, and many more.

Kickstart her heart.