Boundless New to Comic Shops 3/2/16

These are the new Boundless Comics coming to comic shops on Wednesday 3/2/16:

Jungle Fantasy: Vixens #1

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  Jungle Fantasy is back as the Vixens return to the wild side! JFVixens1-regExperience the exciting return to the world of Jungle Fantasy for the first time in a decade. The Vixens, Kit and Lani, came to this exotic world when their spacecraft crash landed. Wholly unprepared for living life in the wild, they are learning the hard way how to avoid getting eaten by dinosaurs and where they can safely sunbathe! This first issue features an all-new story by Renato Camilo, one by Dan Wickline and Daniel HDR, and a classic Al Rio story in color for the first time!  Fans of sexy art, giant dinosaurs, and vicious beasts, this comic book is for you!

JFVixens1-SirensDon’t miss the amazing array of sexy covers with this issue including a Regular Cover by series artist Renato Camilo, Sultry Sisters Cover by Gabriel Andrade, Bikini Babes by Ron Adrian, Wraparound Cover by Raulo Caceres, Sirens Cover by Matt Martin, the ultra-collectible Costume Change 6 cover set (with sexy topless and nude covers included!) by Christian Zanier that is limited to just 250 sets, and a stunning Black Leather Cover and a Pure Art Retailer Incentive also by Al Rio! For the ultimate in scarcity, don’t miss the Century Covers Set of four incredible covers from legendary artist Al Rio and limited to a scant 100 sets!

For the erotic art collectors, there is a Nude Cover also by Renato Camilo, a Wraparound Nude Cover by Raulo Caceres, a Sirens Nude Cover by Matt Martin, and a Bikini Babes Nude Cover by Ron Adrian! To see the uncensored adult covers, please visit

Webwitch #5

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:            The epic conclusion is here!  Horrifying aliens collide with sexy Webwitch5-regspies as the battle for the Earth hinges all on Nina!  Nina must face down the Queen of the Spider-Nation to halt the invasion.  Or join her.   Webwitch must decide the fate of her birth race and the terrible creatures that turned her into a monster. Webwitch is a unique sensual thrill ride Webwitch5-HoneyTrapthat will satisfy the mature comics reader and good girl art aficionado in you! We also conclude the full-color presentation of Tim Vigil’s Webwitch series! Don’t miss the amazing array of sexy covers with this issue including Regular, Wraparound, Honey Trap, Alien Seduction, and Retailer Incentive Pure Art by Matt Martin. Christian Zanier illustrates the Vintage Vixen homage to sexy spies of the past) and the ultra-collectible Costume Change 6 cover set (with sexy topless and nude covers included!) that is limited to just 250 sets.

For the erotic art collectors, there is an Alien Erotica Adult cover by Matt Martin and an Adult cover by maestro Christian Zanier! To see the uncensored adult covers, please visit

Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!

Boundless Books in Your Future

boundless-logo-cinematic-retinaTwo smoking hot new Boundless books just went to press and are on their way to our dedicated readers.  Watch for these two new issues at your local comic shop coming up very soon:



Jungle Fantasy #1 – In stores March 2nd

JFVixens1-regJungle Fantasy is back as the Vixens return to the wild side! Experience the exciting return to the world of Jungle Fantasy for the first time in a decade. The Vixens, Kit and Lani, came to this exotic world when their spacecraft crash landed. Wholly unprepared for living life in the wild, they JFVixens1-Wrapare learning the hard way how to avoid getting eaten by dinosaurs and where they can safely sunbathe! This first issue features an all-new story by Renato Camilo, one by Dan Wickline and Daniel HDR, and a classic Al Rio story in color for the first time!  Fans of sexy art, giant dinosaurs, and vicious beasts, this comic book is for you!

Webwitch #5 – In stores March 9th

Webwitch5-regThe epic conclusion is here!  Horrifying aliens collide with sexy spies as the battle for the Earth hinges all on Nina!  Nina must face down the Queen of the Spider-Nation to halt the invasion.  Or join her.   Webwitch must decide the Webwitch5-wrapfate of her birth race and the terrible creatures that turned her into a monster. Webwitch is a unique sensual thrill ride that will satisfy the mature comics reader and good girl art aficionado in you! We also conclude the full-color presentation of Tim Vigil’s Webwitch series!


Boundless Comics New to Comic Shops & Digital 12/30/15

These are the new Boundless Comics items coming to local comic shops and to digital on ComiXology this Wednesday 12/30/15:


Belladonna #0

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The all-new Belladonna epic begins here! It’s the story of a Belladonna0-regViking warrior and her army of shield maidens in a century of massive upheaval in the Celtic north. Belladonna uses her ferocious bloodlust and supernatural strength to wage war against the cruel Picts and mythical beasts, surrounded by a bleak and unforgiving landscape. But bloodletting and supernatural beasts aside, Belladonna is also a meticulously researched evocation of the pre-Roman British isles during the 9th century. It was a century of blood and fire, Belladonna0-BloodLustkingdoms rising and falling in the contest between the Vikings and the Picts, with Belladonna and her irregular war-party of women fighters are caught in the middle. With the breathtaking art of Ignacio Calero, this sweeping, sexy epic is not one to be missed! This super-size first issue also features a cover gallery of her previous series as well as an archive story from Raulo Caceres in color for the first time! Don’t miss the fantastic array of seductive covers with this issue including Regular Cover by Ignacio Calero, Shield Maiden, Blood Lust & Warrior Women by Jose Luis, Celtic Deco by Michael DiPascale, ultra-collectable Costume Change 6 cover set (with sexy topless and nude covers included) limited to just 250 sets by Christian Zanier, and a Pure Art Retailer Order Incentive by Ron Adrian. For the ultimate in collectible editions, there is a Century cover – Red Hot – by Jose Luis that is limited to 100 copies!

Webwitch #3

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Matt Martin, the maestro of alien seduction, delivers an erotic Webwitch3-reghorror tale like you’ve never seen before. Aliens and action abound as the Spider-Nation’s plans are unveiled and extinction is the order of the day. Nina is torn between two worlds in a battle for ultimate control over the Earth. The decisions she makes will either save the human race or doom every last living being to a spot on the Spider-Nation Webwitch3-Wrap
all you can eat buffet. We also continue the full-color presentation of Tim Vigil’s Webwitch series! Don’t miss the amazing array of sexy covers with this issue including Regular, Wraparound, Honey Trap, a Retailer Incentive Pure Art by Matt Martin, and Alien Seduction cover by Juan Jose Ryp. Christian Zanier illustrates the Vintage Vixen (a homage to sexy spies of the past) and the ultra-collectable Costume Change 6 cover set (with sexy topless and nude covers included!) that is limited to just 250 sets.

Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!

Boundless Resurrects Hellina on Kickstarter

HELLINA1-KS copyQuestions about what exciting new property will be the next to be published by Boundless Comics have been answered this morning with the release of the Hellina #1 Kickstarter program.  The publisher has tasked Jai Nitz and Gabriel Andrade to reinvent the character for its 21st anniversary and add her to the ever growing stable of femme fatales in the Boundless line.  Here’s a little about the story itself:

HELLINA is back and more lethal than ever in the sixth full-color title from Boundless Comics, with your help! The Hellina01-page03 copyall-new HELLINA #1 & 2 is a whole new beginning for this legendary character, given a fresh take by seasoned pro Jai Nitz. But she is no less of a sexy slayer than before, in fact now she is Hell’s Adjudicator, sent in to clean house when creatures-of-the-night get out of control. Heaven and Hell waged war for millennia, spanning worlds and dimensions, with a clear good vs. evil story to be told in scripture and in holy houses. Until Hell won. That was five hundred years ago, and Hell has been running things ever since. Not only are the forces of Hellina01-page04 copydarkness needing to be kept in check, but now a few of Heaven’s angelic horde have started appearing. This time, they are fighting as dirty as they need to get back into power. For those who love a whip-cracking, ball-busting, smoking-hot, demonic executioner, this series is for you! Both issues are, at a minimum, 32 page comics in full- color, intended for Mature Readers over the age of 18, with sultry bad-girl art, nudity, language, adult themes, and all the good stuff for grown-ups!

Please help make the Kickstarter a success here:

Lady Death & More Cyber Monday Mayhem


Avatar’s First-Ever Holiday Sale is Here!

This is the not-to-be-missed,  one-day, extravaganza of deep discounts on the finest Avatar and Boundless collections!  Get great deals on collections by

With collections such as

And much, much more!  Monday+Tuesday only!

Boundless Unleashes Jungle Fantasy Kickstarter!

JFVixens1-KS-TITLE-ENDBoundless Comics revealed the latest addition to its growing line of mature readers femme fatale comic books today!  The Jungle Fantasy series follows Kit and Lani, two women stranded on a strange prehistoric planet facing sadistic human horrors and the monsters of the pre-history world.  This series is aimed at readers who enjoy beautiful women, terrifying dinosaurs, and the allure of the sexy jungle siren.

Check out the Kickstarter here:

JFVixens1-Sirens-min (2)This new project features beautiful Al Rio art colored for the first time ever and the new story by Renato Camilo and Daniel HDR is packed with saucy good-girl art, nudity, language, adult themes, and all the good stuff for grown-ups!

Enjoy this first trip back into the world of Jungle Fantasy in over a decade.  And help Boundless Comics make its fifth title a huge success by visiting and supporting the Kickstater launch.

Belladonna Comics Debut on ComiXology 1/14/15

For the first time in years, the original Belladonna tales are available again in the Belladonna: Origins series debuting on Comixology Wednesday 11/4/15.  These stories introduced the warrior woman to the world and spawned a number of sequels.  Now fans can enjoy the first stories of this powerful character through digital comics.

Belladonna: Origins #1-4

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  Brian Pulido’s Celtic vixen is born! Wexford, Ireland, 999 AD. 137090-18725-110649-1-belladonnaSamhain. Though Colleen MacGrath (aka Belladonna) has laid dormant for years, Morrigan the Celtic goddess forces Colleen to rise and again claim vengeance for all the Celtic people! A druid has resurrected the dead Vikings who 2308890-brian_pulido_s_belladonna_02___00___fcmurdered Colleen’s family and has set them upon the town. Now it is up to Belladonna to stop the Undead horde. Will Belladonna succeed? Or will the sheer numbers finally put her to rest forever? These tales were originally presented in Belladonna Convention Special,  & Belladonna #0 -3.

Webwitch Comics Debut on ComiXology Today 10/21/15

303124._SX360_QL80_TTD_For the first time in over a decade, the original Webwitch comic books are available for a new generation of readers to experience.  The first five issues of Webwitch have been remastered for digital comics and are available today, Wednesday 10/21 on ComiXology.  This sensual series includes art from some of the biggest names in classic mature comic books, including Matt Martin, Bill Maus, Raffaele Ienco, and Tim Vigil.  See what sexy violent horrors await in these alien tales from the past.



Webwitch: Origins #1-5

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Originally appearing in 1997 these are the first issues of the 303139._SX360_QL80_TTD_Webwitch! Nina had a happy life before her encounter with the deadly Spider-Nation. Now infused with alien 303134._SX360_QL80_TTD_DNA she has been turned into a monster set upon unleashing the hordes of alien creatures upon an unsuspecting humanity. Originally presented in Webwitch #0-2 and Webwitch War Prelude – #1.

Belladonna Kickstarter Reaching for 3rd Stretch Goal!

bella-thanksThe Belladonna Kickstarter backers have been incredible!  We have received such a strong response to this new project that within just a few days we’ve already blown past stretch goals #1 and #2!  Now we are focusing our attention on stretch goal #3 and it is a big one that will make all of our backers happy.

Stretch Goal #3 “Cavalcade of Covers”- $18,500. Now we get crazy! Every copy would be an enormous 64 pages as we pack it with all the previous covers we can fit! We’d even have some room to go deep into the archives, add pinups, covers from all the artists, and generally melt your eyeballs with luscious art!

92cff2709f2d83686f19b1dbf4aab750_originalWith 9 days left we have a real chance to make this goal and start this series off with a tremendous first issue.  Please share the program with friends and fellow comic collectors.  Let’s make this new series launch one for the ages!

Belladonna Backers are Amazing! + Look At More Art


You guys rock! We’ve charged through stretch goal 1 already, and I’ve seen a lot of enthusiasm for this project — for good reason. If you’ve looked at the kickstarter video, it’s pretty obvious Mike and Ignacio are having a blast on this comic, and we cannot wait to get it into your hands.

Anyway, thanks again to all backers so far. For new fans taking a look at the project right now, there’s still a few of the limited top backing levels left on the Belladonna kickstarter project. In the meantime, here’s a look at a little more BELLADONNA artwork: